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Was ist der EC- und PH-Wert des Wassers?


In the growth and maintenance of marijuana plants there are many values that we must take into account. Among them are EC and PH.

The EC is the indicator of electroconductivity. PH is the indicator of hydrogen potential. Below we detail everything related to these two values and the importance they have in the care of your plants.

How important is the EC and pH of water in a marijuana crop?

The PH is key in the growth of the plant, because this poorly optimized value can prevent it from absorbing nutrients from the soil.

The pH helps the absorption of nutrients, but is variable depending on the type of plant. The PH range varies from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 14. Thus, the neutral pH is 7.

Usually, a cannabis plant requires a more acidic pH. That is, its value should be in the range of 0 to 7, depending on the specific plant being grown.

For its part, the EC is the value that identifies the salinity of water. It is important because the concentration of salts inside the plant has to be higher than that of water.

In addition, it also allows us to determine the quality or hardness of the water and establish an appropriate fertilizer ratio based on this information.

In general, the most indicated value for a cannabis plant is 0.4, which is associated with rainwater. Tap water has a higher value, but can be reduced with distilled water or by incorporating rainwater.

But water is not the only determining factor in this measurement. We must also take into account the fertilizers that have been used for the crop or the variety of plant that we are growing.

How to measure the EC and pH of water

In the same way that you have all the necessary elements of cannabis paraphernaliathere is also a PH and EC meter on the market, to always have these values controlled.

Regarding the PH, the ideal is to use a digital meter. Always take advantage of it after you have included the fertilizers to the substrate. In a hydroponic or aeroponic system the value should be between 5.5 and 6.3. In a normal substrate system, the pH for soil should be between 6 and 6.8.

The pH and EC meter in water usually offers both values at the same time, however you also have meters of each value completely independent.

The important thing is that you choose a quality model with which to obtain accurate data, since as you have seen, the ranges of these values are small and at the minimum variable the entire crop could be affected.

Also, remember that water is not the only factor you can work on. By combining a more appropriate fertilizer and water in optimal values, you can achieve a perfect growth of your plants.

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