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Die besten Serien zum Kiffen


Ready for a laughing marathon? It’s difficult to choose what to watch nowadays because there is so much available.

Don’t worry, as always, Smoking Paper is here to make your life easier. Below, we recommend some of the best series to watch when high. Whether they be about marijuana, are a hundred laughs a minute, or are simply just must watches, when better to start them than now?

Series to watch high

These are just some of the best series to watch high that we recommend. But there are a whole lot more! We suggest watching them in a cozy space and in the best possible company.


A series about pot to watch when high? What could go wrong? Especially with Kathy Bates in the main role!

She’s an activist who wants to fulfill her dreams of opening her own cannabis store along with a group of friends. But, of course, things don’t always go to plan.

The series covers interesting topics about activism, myths about marijuana, and plot lines that will keep you laughing. Everything that comes out of the main character’s (Ruth) mouth is hilarious, but the rest of the cast are by no means left behind. Highly recommended!

Breaking Bad

For many, this is the best series of all time. And we are not going to argue. Therefore, Breaking Bad is the best series to watch when high.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, we’re sure you know what it is about. But let us remind you just in case: a chemistry teacher is diagnosed with cancer and teams up with a local dealer to sell drugs and earn some money for him and his family.

The result? He becomes a drug kingpin and things gradually become a little more intense. And we’re just talking about the first series. Careful, it’s addictive!


For marijuana purists Weeds really is the Holy Grail. This series involves humor, action, and tension all rolled into individual episodes.

It is about a mother of two who becomes a widow and has no way to support her family, until she comes up with the idea of selling weed. And it all goes pretty well, at first.

However, selling weed is not as easy as it seems, and the problems and chaos soon start to build up after the first couple of episodes.

Trailer Park Boys

This is one of the best animated shows to watch when high. It’s crazy! Two ex-cons try to get their lives in order without having to turn back to crime. It’s safe to say things do not go to plan.

Based on the popular TV series, this animated adaptation stays true to the wild spirit of its original and the unhinged personalities of the main characters. You won’t be able to stop laughing!

 Big Bang Theory

The best sitcom of the century, for now…and for a lot of people. What about for you? Well, say no more! Get ready for a comedy binge with Sheldon and the gang. The group of super smart geeks who conquered the world.

Is the Big Bang Theory one of the best series to watch high? You bet your article 420 it is!

Get comfy before starting

Are you ready to binge on a series and not stop laughing? Let’s make sure we’ve got everything ready:

  • Rolling paper: have you heard about the new Supreme Medium and Supreme King Size papers? A smoother paper for a supreme experience!
  • Tips: these are sold separately or you can opt for the Supreme King Size Paper + Tips pack which includes everything you need, all together.
  • Tray: to prepare the essentials without spilling anything.
  • Grinder: to grind and crumble everything up.

You’re all set, press play on that first episode!

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