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Marijuana cookies are a classic. Would you like to learn how to make them for an afternoon of good vibes?

We explain how to make marijuana cookies and everything you need for a perfect recipe!

Marijuana cookies recipe

The marijuana cookie recipe is actually very easy to make. With a little bit of practice, it will surely become one of your favourites. But be careful with its effects. We will talk about it later.


Marijuana cookies can be made in many different ways, so there is no universal recipe guide. But, generally, the ingredients you need are the following (approximate quantities, you will gradually put the finishing touches to it according to your tastes and needs):

  • Wheat flour (500 gr).
  • Butter or margarine (200 gr).
  • Leavening ( just 1 spoon).
  • Eggs (2 units).
  • Brown sugar (150 gr).
  • Shredded marijuana (25 gr).
  • Black vanilla (just a few drops).
  • Chocolate chips (100 gr) if you want them to have the classic style of cookies.


The ingredients for making marijuana cookies will be of little use if you don’t have the right utensils. Here is what you need:

  • A small saucepan.
  • A spatula or other utensil to move ingredients.
  • Something to grind marijuana, such as the Red Grinder Mental Vacation
  • A blender.
  • A baking sheet.
  • A strainer.
  • The oven to cook them.
  • And rolling papers for the leftover marijuana!

How to make cannabis cookies

Let’s get down to business. Follow the steps of this marijuana cookie recipe and you will see that they are delicious.

Step 1

Prepare the marijuana. It has to be well shredded, it is not enough to do it as when smoking. Here it should be as fine as possible. The grinder will help you to achieve the desired effect in very little time.

Step 2

Take the saucepan, put the shredded marijuana inside with butter and put everything on low heat for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, use the spatula to move everything around, if you leave it unattended it will stick to the bottom of the saucepan. This is also necessary to dilute the resin from the sprouts.

You can put everything at the same time, but it is best if you first put the butter, wait until it melts, and then add the marijuana. It will be much easier to achieve the perfect mixture.

Step 3

Now we are going to strain the mixture. This step is essential to separate the vegetal remains from the rest of the liquid, which is basically the butter with the resin. Obviously, you should use a strainer with holes as small as possible.

Step 4

In this step, we add the eggs, 5 drops of black vanilla, and sugar. Continue mixing and don’t add anything else until you have a completely homogeneous mixture.

Step 5

Now you have to add the flour and the leavening. Once you mix everything, you will see that the dough becomes viscous.

Step 6

Last ingredients! Add the chocolate chips and use a blender to get the perfect mixture.

Step 7

Preheat the oven to 150ºC. It is not necessary to wait for the previous steps, you can do it at the same time.

Step 8

Take a baking sheet and put in some butter and flour. This will stop the cookie dough from sticking to the surface.

Step 9

With the mixture you have made, spread it out on the baking sheet and make cookie shapes. Of course, you can make them however you like.

Use a knife or even a mould to create the shapes you want. The classic is cookies because they are the easiest to make. But we leave it up to your creativity.

Step 10

Put them in the oven for 15 or 20 minutes. However, keep an eye on them! We don’t want them too burned.

Step 11

When the cookies are almost ready, turn off the oven and wait a few minutes while they finish browning in the oven.

Step 12

Take the marijuana cookies out of the oven and bon appétit!

Effects of the cookies

The effects of marijuana cookies depend a lot on the type of base ingredient used. Just as there are differences between smoking cannabis sativa and indica, there are also differences when eating and, of course, with other varieties.

In general, the effects are the same as smoking, but stronger and long-lasting, so it is not advisable to eat too much, and it is normal to consume a cookie per hour or hour and a half at the most.

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