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Haschisch-Sorten: Dry bis CBD


Do you know how many types of hashish there are in Spain? More than you think! If you are looking for an alternative to marijuana, you have surely heard of this derivative.

What’s more, you can choose between many types of hashish, all of which are perfect for including in your rolling cigarettes or your cones.

The Brown 1 1/4 cones, the Brown King Size cones x3, or the Brown Giga Size cone are perfect for a mix of tobacco and hashish that’s just your style! But first, you have to choose the type that suits you best.

What is hashish?

Before we go over the different types of hashish that you can find in Spain, the logical thing is to know what we are talking about, so let’s get to it:

Hashish is a concentration of cannabis. It is also known as hash and is derived from kief, which is a combination of loose cannabis trichomes, also known as resin.

This resin is formed in the sprouts of the plants and the concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can be four times that of non-concentrated cannabis.

Types of hashish

Types of hashish – for all tastes! As you can imagine, each one has its peculiarities. Let’s see the most well-known:

Afghan hashish

One of the most popular (and also intense). It comes from Afghanistan and is extracted from the trichomes of dried sprouts.

It is then heated with water or tea and kneaded in a traditional way, until it gets a caramel-like texture and a dark colour.


This hashish comes from India and is very different from the others, as it is obtained from fresh marijuana, that is, freshly harvested sprouts. It is a smooth, creamy, and chestnut-coloured hashish.

Kashmir hashish

Kashmir hashish bases its appeal in part on its enigmatic nature – very little is known about this variety!

It is confirmed that it comes from the septentrional part of India and it is believed to be elaborated in an artisanal way very similar to charas. Its taste is spicier, even a little spicy, and much more intense.

Lebanese hashish

If you have a reddish or yellowish hashish in front of you, it probably comes from Lebanon. It is obtained from plants that are dried in open fields before harvesting. Then, they are pressed into a thick, brittle hashish.

Moroccan hashish

One of the most traditional and popular varieties all over the world. In fact, we can even find different varieties depending on the maturity of the plant and the length of time it has been dried.

Moroccan hashish is hard and brittle, while pollen is much softer, but both of them have an intense aroma without being spiced.

Bubble Hash

It is obtained by separating trichomes and vegetal material with water, ice, and movement. It is a process associated with good vibes.

It is also hashish that is very easy to shred and crystallised, with touches very similar to those of honey. It has a great aroma and a very intense flavour.


It requires much more complexity to obtain it but with amazing results. This hashish oil is usually considered to be of a higher quality and can be so customised in the finish that there are even official varieties of BHO very different from each other.

Differences between hashish and chocolate 

If you want to liven things up one afternoon, discuss in group the differences between hashish and chocolate. You will see that there are different opinions. Is there really a difference? What makes these concepts different? Let’s settle the question.

First of all, “chocolate” is a popular name associated with hashish. So, on many occasions, we are talking about the same thing.

What is the difference? Well, it really comes down to the type of resin. On the one hand, we have hashish, which has the name of pollen, and on the other hand, we have chocolate itself.

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